Quality Safety

Presentation of the Procedure

The definition of quality given by the ISO 9000 standard is:
“The ability of a set of intrinsic characteristics of a product, a system, or a process to meet the requirements of customers and other interested parties”.

While this definition may be recent, the notion of quality is not new - it was spoken of and practised in ancient Rome, and in much earlier civilisations.
The term quality however is more recent, and its current use dates back to the post-war period. Quality of work, quality of life, and most especially, quality of service...

The Nice Côte d'Azur and Cannes Mandelieu airports are both recipients of the 2015 version of the ISO 9001 certification.


ISO Certification

This label recognises and confirms that the company receiving this Certification has defined and implemented a Quality system, meaning that the set of procedures, tools, indicators, and practices aimed at guaranteeing a level of quality for our customers fulfils the requirements of the standard.

The value of the Certification is twofold:

  • internally: speaking the same language, improving functionality for customers of the services offered,
  • externally: ensuring customer confidence in the services offered,strengthening and demonstrating our professionalism.

For our airports, the chosen standard is the 2015 ISO 9001 international standard.
All activity at both Nice Côte d'Azur and Cannes Mandelieu airports is certified.


Our quality policy for our airports was established in 2000.

Airport Quality Policy

Download the document here:

It lays out the ambitious goal of making Aéroports de la Côte d’Azur a leader in Europe when it comes to quality of service.

General Objectives

The Aéroports de la Côte d’Azur have six general objectives:

  1. Regular assessment of client satisfaction (types of client, client expectations).
  2. Certifications for our activities.
  3. The formalisation of quality indicators in our procedure.
  4. The implementation of a benchmarking initiative with Europe's leading airports of equivalent size.
  5. Stakeholder integration: Establishment and deployment of an integrated approach to work, in collaboration with all airport operators.
  6. The social barometer: anonymous assessment of employee satisfaction.

Quality of service

Launch of our Customer Experience Charter

This charter has been drawn up using information gathered at workshops attended by all the hub's partners: airlines, ground handlers, operators, authorities, service providers, etc. Our aim is to develop a service-quality culture among all airport staff and thus deliver the best possible customer experience to our passengers.


I discover the charter


Results of satisfaction surveys

The services of Aéroports de la Côte d’Azur regularly carry out satisfaction surveys for all Nice Côte d'Azur and Cannes-Mandelieu clients: passengers, airlines, administrations, shops, hire companies, service providers, and so on.

Analysing the results allows the perception of the quality of service for both airports to be assessed, and in particular permits the implementation of concrete initiatives that precisely respond to the evolving needs and desires of our clientele.

Satisfaction surveys are not simply an evaluation of the quality of service of the airports. They are, above all, a decision-making tool which allows us to tangibly engage in a process of continual improvement of the services provided to all patrons of both airports.

Evaluating the needs of everyone

The person heading up the QSE procedure is the coordinator who carries out satisfaction surveys at Nice Côte d'Azur and Cannes-Mandelieu. These surveys respond to the need to regularly verify that the facilities, equipment, and services on offer to patrons of both airports correspond precisely to their expectations.

Satisfaction is on the rise

Among the questions asked to all those surveyed, one allows the overall satisfaction of clients to be assessed on a scale of 0 to 10, and shows steady increase.

Suggestions and Complaints

For all information requests, suggestions and/or complaints, we invite you to contact our customer relations area, providing as much detail as possible so that we might provide a prompt response. 

Contact the Customer Relations: 

On line
Contact us

By telephoneCall Centre (Customer Relations )
from France and abroad:
0820 423 333* (*€0.12 / min)
from abroad (if the first number is inaccessible):
00 33 4 898 898 28

By post
Espace Relation Clients
Département Terminaux
Aéroports de la Côte d’Azur
BP 3331 – 06206 Nice cedex 3